Our website is currently getting a facelift... sorry for any weird pages!!

Our website is currently getting a facelift... forgive any weird pages!!

Wedding Invitation Papers

  1. Kaitlyn Kelly says:

    Super helpful – thank you!

  2. Anna Hong says:

    Very informative, thank you!
    How does printing methods effect these types of paper in regards to color & clarity?

Hey, Hi, Hello!

I’m Laney, stationery designer, educator, coach, and CEO of Design by Laney.

I came from a Fortune 10 company - working with multi-million-dollar businesses on the regular - to running a multi-six-figure invitation design and education firm. I've educated 100k+ creative entrepreneurs on how to run successful businesses in many fields, with a focus on stationery designers and calligraphers. My goal is to overturn the "starving artist" trope and show everyone who's ever asked "But what do you do *for money*?" just how successful a business in the arts can be!